Sept 27, 2023

Data Processing Agreement

Data Processing Agreement

At Nova Studios, we understand the importance of safeguarding your data and maintaining transparency in our data processing practices.

Key Points:
  1. Purpose of the DPA:

    • The DPA serves to establish the legal framework for the processing of personal data within the context of our services.

  2. Scope:

    • The DPA applies to all personal data processed by Nexus AI on behalf of our users.

  3. Data Processing Principles:

    • We adhere to data processing principles that prioritize confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

  4. Security Measures:

    • Nexus AI implements robust security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

  5. Data Subject Rights:

    • The DPA outlines the rights of data subjects and the mechanisms in place to address and fulfill those rights.

  6. Subprocessors:

    • In the event Nexus AI engages subprocessors, we ensure they meet the same data protection standards outlined in the DPA.

  7. Duration of Processing:

    • The DPA specifies the duration for which personal data will be processed and the conditions for its deletion.

  8. International Data Transfers:

    • If personal data is transferred internationally, Nexus AI ensures compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Signing the DPA: To request a copy of our Data Processing Addendum or initiate the signing process, please contact our legal team at

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who are we?

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